April 29, 2024

VR News - Meta Horizon OS and New Headsets, Ghosts of Tabor Wipe, Contractors Showdown, Alien: Rogue Incursion, Grim, New VR Games, Updates, and More!

On this episode of the Ruff Talk VR podcast we have another edition of VR News talking all the latest in the world of VR (And it's a stacked one!)! There's plenty to discuss including Meta announcing arguably their biggest news of the year with the announcement of Meta Horizon OS, the new name for the Quest OS that will be coming to third party headsets from brands like Lenovo and Asus as well as a limited edition Xbox-edition Quest! This also brings the news of the phasing out of app lab and the opening up of the official Meta Quest store. Also, server wipe is coming to Ghosts of Tabor on May 1st, Contractors Showdown launched this past week, Brazen Blaze entering open beta, Alien: Rogue Incursion was announced, Walkabout Mini Golf's Passport Venice DLC launched, Dig VR and Mudrunner VR were announced, and more!

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00:00 - Virtual Reality Podcast News and Reviews

06:02 - Survival and Sandbox Game Discussion

14:22 - Phasing Out App Lab Discussion

26:10 - Passionate Gamers and UFC Fighters

31:12 - New VR Game Releases and Reviews

40:15 - Exciting VR Game Announcements and Reviews

50:08 - Exciting VR and AR Technology News


00:00:00.461 --> 00:00:11.032
Welcome to another episode of Rough Talk VR, a weekly podcast with in-depth game reviews, exclusive developer interviews and the latest metaquest and virtual reality news.

00:00:11.032 --> 00:00:20.932
We join our hosts, the father-son team of D Scruffles and Stratus, today as they spend another episode breaking down and discussing the world of virtual reality.

00:00:21.339 --> 00:00:23.268
Hey, welcome to this episode of Rough Talk VR.

00:00:23.268 --> 00:00:27.551
Today we're joining you with an exciting VR news edition for several reasons.

00:00:27.551 --> 00:00:42.627
For one, right when we launched our last episode, boom right away some of the biggest news of the year dropped on Meta's end and also a whole bunch of game updates and, most excitingly, selfishly, we have our PC VR set up.

00:00:43.189 --> 00:00:44.131
Yeah, we got our babies.

00:00:44.359 --> 00:00:47.283
I got my Spooneliaelia yeah, so it's a loaded episode to say.

00:00:47.283 --> 00:00:51.237
At least you actually did name it I sent you the screenshot yep, spoonelia.

00:00:51.237 --> 00:00:55.070
When you're setting up the windows device and they're like what do you want to name it spoonelia?

00:00:55.070 --> 00:00:55.691
That's funny.

00:00:55.691 --> 00:00:58.125
Yeah, I was glad that I had to man.

00:00:58.847 --> 00:01:08.828
I mean a lot of people donated to the cause, but I'd say those two in particular meaning spoon and amelia, probably hit, hit that pavement the hardest.

00:01:08.828 --> 00:01:09.652
So it'll.

00:01:10.274 --> 00:01:15.287
It was one of those situations where the the computers came and we had to clean our rooms.

00:01:15.287 --> 00:01:16.108
We had to make space.

00:01:16.108 --> 00:01:19.024
We were a little under prepared, but we got it all set up quick.

00:01:19.024 --> 00:01:28.292
I rearranged the podcast room on my end, you did some, some setup at your house and yeah mine's in the kitchen dude with the monitor on the table right now, just so I can.

00:01:28.612 --> 00:01:42.811
I can play it and we have successfully booted up pcvr through the oculus app, through air link, like through the oculus store, and also through virtual desktop on steam vr, both instances with really no, no hiccups.

00:01:42.811 --> 00:01:53.927
I mean, we've heard some horror stories about some people's PC VR experiences, but I think for us maybe the most complicated part was getting the drivers of the motherboard set up, which there was a little hiccup for both of us.

00:01:54.340 --> 00:01:59.012
Yeah, what's weird is when I went to the Intel driver helper, whatever.

00:02:00.302 --> 00:02:01.868
It said that you had everything Same with me.

00:02:02.381 --> 00:02:04.048
The only thing it updated was the Bluetooth.

00:02:04.048 --> 00:02:05.885
It's like no, you need Bluetooth.

00:02:05.885 --> 00:02:07.206
I'm like well, what about this driver?

00:02:07.206 --> 00:02:09.307
And it's like no, you already have that.

00:02:09.307 --> 00:02:13.852
So I'm questioning if the hangup on the install it was technically installed.

00:02:14.381 --> 00:02:15.766
It just didn't display that.

00:02:15.766 --> 00:02:20.685
Yeah, no, I had the same impressions, but for actual PC VR and a lot of other people as well, no hiccups.

00:02:20.685 --> 00:02:25.639
I mean we're not using optimized routers, we're both using our default broadband router.

00:02:25.639 --> 00:02:31.800
I have more hiccups with the Meta app than I do using virtual desktop and Steam.

00:02:32.121 --> 00:02:39.234
For me it's been seamless on both ends, but my router, like my computer, is plugged in directly through Ethernet.

00:02:39.234 --> 00:02:42.705
I think your Wi-Fi to your router, yeah you know what's crazy.

00:02:43.700 --> 00:02:46.492
My download speeds on the computer.

00:02:46.492 --> 00:02:55.350
Um, I'm hitting five, six hundred on the low, maybe 280, 300 megabytes per second.

00:02:55.350 --> 00:02:59.641
So I mean technically I exceed the minimum recommend.

00:02:59.641 --> 00:03:03.629
Like I don't even get a warning and I've had no, no glitches or anything.

00:03:03.629 --> 00:03:16.209
I am gonna plug in direct with the, the wire to the pc, but those little wi-fi antennas in the back of the computer do their job, man, because and my router's upstairs go figure that out yeah I'm.

00:03:16.310 --> 00:03:17.472
I'm blown away again.

00:03:17.472 --> 00:03:18.139
Our rigs are good.

00:03:18.139 --> 00:03:20.504
I've had no hiccups, in fact, even last night.

00:03:20.504 --> 00:03:21.826
She's a beautiful one.

00:03:21.826 --> 00:03:31.289
We finally went into Grimm on PC VR for about an hour, you know, wandered around a bit, tried to find each other, died a couple times.

00:03:31.289 --> 00:03:35.389
Got a welcome introduction to the game, Was like, alright, there's so much potential here.

00:03:35.389 --> 00:03:38.259
But I went my computer's upstairs.

00:03:39.221 --> 00:03:55.893
I went downstairs wirelessly connected to my PC and had zero gameplay hiccups no, dude, like I said, I'm, I'm for what I'm putting and asking of the machine to do with where I've got other devices located.

00:03:55.893 --> 00:03:59.307
It shouldn't technically be working as well as it is.

00:03:59.307 --> 00:04:03.508
But since you brought up grim, what'd you think?

00:04:03.508 --> 00:04:05.013
Oh, so much like I Like.

00:04:05.013 --> 00:04:06.900
I said, so much potential, we both died.

00:04:06.919 --> 00:04:08.406
We haven't spent a ton of dude.

00:04:08.406 --> 00:04:11.197
My first experience like full disclosure.

00:04:11.197 --> 00:04:13.486
I walked all around because why not?

00:04:13.486 --> 00:04:18.180
I'm like I know I can build shit and I'll be doing that, you know, at some point.

00:04:18.180 --> 00:04:22.992
But I first want to like feel this planet, because we know it takes place on like Mars.

00:04:22.992 --> 00:04:43.408
And I looked at that sun and I was like holy crap, I, I literally could feel how like the heat of it, the heat of it and if you could breathe out in that environment, just how like hot that air would be, sucking in like you turn your eyes into a pizza oven like geez louise, but I'm, I'm, I'm fucking blown away.

00:04:43.810 --> 00:05:07.269
It's just crazy to me that the technology of it that I'm able to play PC VR wirelessly connected to my computer downstairs across my house and not have hiccups I mean it shows to me that the best solution to having seamless PC VR experience is just overcompensate with your rig.

00:05:07.269 --> 00:05:10.108
Get the best rig possible, you'll have no hiccups.

00:05:10.779 --> 00:05:21.288
Yeah, I think for the money I'm pleased, but the fact that it's doing what I want it to do, which was like full disclosure, it's like what's the first thing you want to do on PC VR?

00:05:21.288 --> 00:05:22.983
For me it was I want to run Grim period.

00:05:22.983 --> 00:05:24.528
There's nothing else that's like obviously I'm going to do on PC VR.

00:05:24.528 --> 00:05:25.329
For me it was I want to run Grim period.

00:05:25.329 --> 00:05:25.490
I don't.

00:05:25.490 --> 00:05:30.029
There's nothing else that's like obviously I'm going to do After the Fall and Hellsweeper and shit and Ghost of.

00:05:30.050 --> 00:05:30.452

00:05:30.452 --> 00:05:38.408
Well, ghost of Tabor was actually one of the tests, but I did that through the the Oculus app.

00:05:38.408 --> 00:05:48.232
Yeah, the Oculus app, because we still own it for gram it was a hundred percent steam and and the fact that I'm able to play that and cocky us that we thought we were gonna bump into each other.

00:05:49.096 --> 00:05:49.637
Well, we weren't.

00:05:49.637 --> 00:05:56.401
We didn't actually think we were going to, but we thought there was kind of a chance and like hell, no, no, we both just went to biodomes.

00:05:56.702 --> 00:06:02.665
We're learning, though yeah I went into a biodome and the first time you played saw a big old furry thing in the background.

00:06:02.665 --> 00:06:03.487
I'm like what's that?

00:06:03.487 --> 00:06:06.161
And then, like an idiot, I'm standing there.

00:06:06.161 --> 00:06:10.672
And then I realize it's a fucking bear and it's full-blown charging at me.

00:06:10.672 --> 00:06:11.620
And here's the thing.

00:06:11.620 --> 00:06:17.533
I was not too far away from the exit, but I'm like is, is he really coming at me, you know?

00:06:17.533 --> 00:06:23.807
And by the time I realized that there was no running away, I started to run and then I got eaten by a bear well, check this.

00:06:23.887 --> 00:06:32.548
I'm in, I'm in a biodome last night and I'm like I'm, I'm looting, I'm doing okay, and then all of a sudden my screen starts turning red around the sides.

00:06:32.548 --> 00:06:34.475
I'm like I have a whole tank of oxygen.

00:06:34.475 --> 00:06:36.281
It's not even draining in the biodome.

00:06:36.281 --> 00:06:39.305
I even say to you I'm like, dude, I'm dying, I'm dying.

00:06:39.305 --> 00:06:47.615
So then, after that, you know, I wander around a little bit more, after I died, of course, and then you know I log off and I'm like how did I die?

00:06:47.615 --> 00:06:50.848
Like I hunger, or something that I couldn't see.

00:06:50.848 --> 00:07:01.134
Now we're getting messages in our discord this morning from Spoon saying you know, spoon messaging us in our discord saying sorry, disgruffles, I may or may not have killed you last night.

00:07:01.134 --> 00:07:02.745
No, there was no may not, I guess.

00:07:03.259 --> 00:07:07.545
There was like nobody in the server, he could probably see who the people in the server was.

00:07:07.545 --> 00:07:08.805
He he knows who he killed.

00:07:08.805 --> 00:07:10.889
He probably has the logs of it.

00:07:11.249 --> 00:07:13.230
Be able to air travel to wherever you want to go.

00:07:14.273 --> 00:07:19.779
Oh man, I got murdered by spoon on my first day, um you know what, but that's the probably the best.

00:07:19.779 --> 00:07:21.103
Get murdered by the creator.

00:07:22.105 --> 00:07:23.507
I'm happy with getting eaten by a bear.

00:07:23.507 --> 00:07:24.749
I'm, you know, full.

00:07:25.269 --> 00:07:27.754
I'm happy you did, because you did that before I went in.

00:07:27.754 --> 00:07:32.651
So then when I went in you were like watch out, when you go in that biodome there's going to be a bear there could be.

00:07:32.651 --> 00:07:34.163
Not all of them.

00:07:34.163 --> 00:07:41.327
I don't think there was a bear there when I went in and you're like, don't let him see you, he's going to a ninja.

00:07:41.387 --> 00:07:42.788
That I was like that bears no joy.

00:07:42.788 --> 00:07:45.872
Obviously you could probably kill it, but not when you first go in.

00:07:46.172 --> 00:07:49.473
Hey, how dark does that freaking planet get at night with the stars?

00:07:49.514 --> 00:07:53.458
stars look beautiful yeah the ambient noise is beautiful and you know it's.

00:07:53.458 --> 00:07:55.062
It's a game in pride, it's not.

00:07:55.062 --> 00:07:59.853
It's not even like there's no, it's just in testing, that's it.

00:07:59.853 --> 00:08:02.285
So it's like there's so much work being done on it.

00:08:04.408 --> 00:08:05.913
It feels very good.

00:08:06.279 --> 00:08:08.208
I'm just pretty stoked to be able to be like.

00:08:08.208 --> 00:08:21.649
You can tell, there's a big learning curve A million percent but I'm just happy that I can be part of seeing the progression unfold at whatever point, normally Like if it jumped to open beta or some shit.

00:08:21.839 --> 00:08:23.807
Now are you just glad to be a part of that.

00:08:23.807 --> 00:08:32.188
Yeah, I don't care if it was just the planet and nothing to do but are you glad to be a part of it, to see the progress, or because now you have a jump start to be a warlord?

00:08:32.188 --> 00:08:45.068
I think it's the latter of the two I know you, I like both yes yes, I get to see all the updates all the time through the progression but yeah, meanwhile I'm going to take over the server?

00:08:45.991 --> 00:08:46.413
I hope so.

00:08:46.413 --> 00:08:51.107
We were already talking about it like oh dude, so wait, what you're building, these biodomes, is that what goes on?

00:08:51.107 --> 00:08:52.291
We're already plotting.

00:08:54.063 --> 00:08:57.259
Yeah, I know 0.1%.

00:08:57.259 --> 00:08:58.645
I know how to walk around.

00:08:58.645 --> 00:08:59.168

00:08:59.168 --> 00:09:00.403
I know how to.

00:09:00.403 --> 00:09:03.426
I've gotten familiar with like okay, there's your inventory.

00:09:03.426 --> 00:09:15.325
Kind of finding shit is obviously crucial, being able to gather shit very crucial knowing the map, you know, man, at least there's that circular road.

00:09:15.647 --> 00:09:20.846
I feel like that circular road's going to become essential for navigating, like knowing where you are yeah, but I'll tell you right now.

00:09:21.006 --> 00:09:22.410
I already know that so what do?

00:09:22.410 --> 00:09:23.302
You think I'm going to do.

00:09:23.302 --> 00:09:30.010
If I have the ability, I'm going to be off that road waiting for motherfuckers to be walking down that road.

00:09:30.010 --> 00:09:31.076
Oh, dude, do you?

00:09:31.115 --> 00:09:36.010
want to Thinking like it's the yellow brick road when we establish our clan, so we have our base.

00:09:36.010 --> 00:09:37.441
Do you want to have people do highway patrol?

00:09:37.441 --> 00:09:45.288
That's not necessarily going to kill people, but we're going to rob you of everything and you better have something on you, Otherwise, well then, you get shot.

00:09:45.470 --> 00:09:52.697
Well, you'd have to have rotating, you'd have to have continuous rotating groups, because you'll run out of oxygen.

00:09:55.580 --> 00:09:57.504
So you're going to have to go back to the biodome to replenish the oxygen.

00:09:57.504 --> 00:09:59.570
There's probably items that let you like breathe.

00:09:59.570 --> 00:10:00.873
I found a space shoe.

00:10:00.873 --> 00:10:10.072
Obviously it didn't do anything with my oxygen depletion, but I'm like, hmm, maybe there's something here that you can find a way to not so much run out of oxygen.

00:10:10.900 --> 00:10:11.865
So far, it's brilliant.

00:10:12.980 --> 00:10:16.610
And it is pretty easy to run to a biodome and refill up, you know.

00:10:16.610 --> 00:10:18.265
So you're asking me my thoughts on it.

00:10:18.265 --> 00:10:29.440
I was like so much potential and also this game's going to be a problem because it's fun and there's such a sandbox of potential for it.

00:10:29.701 --> 00:10:44.864
Yeah, this is no which way or form a game that you think you're going to go in and just like oh, I'll just do an hour, you know it's like no, there's shit you got to Especially with people like me and you with the type of imagination Like you, could give me two pencils and I'll create like a whole.

00:10:45.365 --> 00:11:07.363
You know, my dream would be whole dialogue of them whole story, what it's almost doable just because of all the different time zones, but have it where, like if we can get a group of people together and treat it like the old ircs, where there must be like three or four in there at all times and just a continuous you know build well, you see the rough talk server we have.

00:11:07.403 --> 00:11:09.048
People destroy east coast.

00:11:09.048 --> 00:11:11.557
We have european we have australian.

00:11:11.557 --> 00:11:14.908
We have worldwide baby, so beauty of australia.

00:11:14.967 --> 00:11:16.152
Is somebody working there?

00:11:16.152 --> 00:11:18.639
Is working in our tomorrow that exactly.

00:11:18.639 --> 00:11:22.888
No, we got the shifts coming you're fucking with time, so I think it's brilliant.

00:11:22.888 --> 00:11:23.990
What day did you die on?

00:11:23.990 --> 00:11:47.683
But as I say that there's, there's going to be a multitude of rust players that are already waiting for this to come out, and they're already organized in what they do in my opinion, once that game has the purchasable button, once you can hit buy and download, is really when the news is going to spread like wildfire yeah, that's all right.

00:11:47.744 --> 00:11:50.910
I mean, dude, there's over 8 000 people in the grim discord man.

00:11:50.910 --> 00:11:53.764
Imagine if we that's fucking ridiculous.

00:11:53.924 --> 00:11:54.868
Grim is uh grim.

00:11:54.868 --> 00:11:57.942
Spoon is definitely one of our our bucket list interviews.

00:11:57.942 --> 00:12:06.624
If we, if we, could get him hype up grim a bit I mean not that it needs to be hyped up, just answer the hundred questions we had, because even last night we were like holding back, like shit.

00:12:06.624 --> 00:12:08.072
Do we ask Spoon about this, this, this?

00:12:08.419 --> 00:12:14.019
I try to bug him as little as possible because dude the guy's fingers are on fire.

00:12:14.019 --> 00:12:20.236
You know just programming all day, every day yeah as far as I know, but he's like the interview.

00:12:20.337 --> 00:12:25.774
Unicorn can't find any interviews with Spoon so I'm very happy to report our PC VR experience so far.

00:12:25.774 --> 00:12:26.038
We just pretty much view unicorn.

00:12:26.038 --> 00:12:26.339
Can't find any interviews with spin.

00:12:26.339 --> 00:12:26.990
So I'm very happy to report our pcvr experience so far.

00:12:26.990 --> 00:12:30.154
We just pretty much set it up, played a couple like an hour together.

00:12:30.154 --> 00:12:42.187
Two hours on pcvr haven't really like dove in gaming wise too much, but performance wise we've been able to set it up and have open it, run it, play with no hiccups.

00:12:42.187 --> 00:12:43.409
So so we're doing good.

00:12:43.409 --> 00:12:44.370
I'm happy.

00:12:44.370 --> 00:12:46.235
The future is bright.

00:12:46.900 --> 00:13:01.327
And then I referenced at the start that this loaded episode because our PC VR and then also one of the things I referenced was that at the start of last week, the same day our episode dropped, the biggest news of the year, arguably on MetaQuest side.

00:13:01.327 --> 00:13:17.336
On the Meta side comes out that Zuckerberg put out a video announcing that they're renaming the Meta operating system for the MetaQuest to Meta Horizon Operating System OS and it's going to be available to other third-party headsets.

00:13:17.336 --> 00:13:41.628
In fact, there's already other headsets in the works from companies such as Lenovo, asus, which are going to be their own headsets running the MetaQuest or the MetaHorizon operating system, and then there's also going to be a limited edition Xbox-branded MetaQuest headset as well, and it's going to be available for other third-party companies, not announced yet.

00:13:41.628 --> 00:13:53.604
And you know, zuck was like talking about specific uk use cases for each one, like there could be a, a lightweight fitness one, one made more specifically for media viewing, the xbox one.

00:13:53.604 --> 00:14:01.504
Maybe it comes with, you know, just xbox controllers out of the box, but it all runs on that meta horizon operating system.

00:14:01.504 --> 00:14:02.706
So that's huge.

00:14:02.706 --> 00:14:09.706
You know, the Meta opening up their operating system ecosystem and expanding it to other devices.

00:14:09.706 --> 00:14:14.683
That makes it easier for other hardware developers to get into the business.

00:14:14.683 --> 00:14:21.388
They only have to develop the hardware side, then the operating system is already done, already being updated and worked on.

00:14:22.090 --> 00:14:29.450
And then also part of that news was that they're phasing out App Lab in multiple steps, which we'll talk some opinions on that.

00:14:30.100 --> 00:14:31.405
But App Lab is going away.

00:14:31.405 --> 00:14:39.447
It's going to be in a multiple phase process, with the first phase happening later this year where you're going to be able to browse App Lab games directly on the store.

00:14:39.447 --> 00:14:41.206
So you go onto the store page.

00:14:41.206 --> 00:14:49.618
There's going to be an App Lab section that you can go and browse, which we've long advocated for, instead of just needing to search the game.

00:14:49.618 --> 00:15:00.673
So that's going to be phase one and then phase two, which is going to happen later this year, will be the complete phasing out of App Lab and the App Lab requirements and policies integrated into the official store.

00:15:00.673 --> 00:15:05.412
So basically, no more heavy curation, no more how do I get on the store?

00:15:05.412 --> 00:15:11.611
Pretty much to get on the official store is going to be like how you get on App Lab currently.

00:15:11.611 --> 00:15:13.644
So that was, that was huge news.

00:15:13.644 --> 00:15:21.466
The operating system is going to go to other devices which are already in the works and App Lab is going away.

00:15:21.466 --> 00:15:23.571
So pretty big stuff.

00:15:24.533 --> 00:15:30.710
Yeah, it's huge news yeah, I know we were talking a little off air, but I just want to circle back to the first.

00:15:30.931 --> 00:15:33.399
First thing, before we jump on the app lab thing.

00:15:33.399 --> 00:15:40.131
I I think meta doing what they're doing was part of their bigger plan.

00:15:40.131 --> 00:15:45.721
Anyways, as part of the metaverse to be able to, they've established themselves at what they've done.

00:15:45.721 --> 00:15:54.476
And then you look at the companies that they're although I have concern over lenovo we'll just base off some computer institute laptop two for two with laptop failure.

00:15:54.618 --> 00:15:56.724
I'm just saying we'll save that for another rant.

00:15:57.043 --> 00:16:01.562
Un-fucking-believable so it scares me that they're in it because I know they make a good product.

00:16:01.562 --> 00:16:03.668
But whether or not it breaks or not is another fucking problem.

00:16:03.687 --> 00:16:05.793
When you see that headset 50% off, don't buy it.

00:16:06.322 --> 00:16:07.527
But Asus is legit.

00:16:07.527 --> 00:16:09.265
Yeah, no, don't for real.

00:16:09.265 --> 00:16:11.943
I'm just being honest as a consumer.

00:16:13.380 --> 00:16:17.802
Yeah, we've had two bad Lenovo, two for two, and they're great computers when they're working, but anyways.

00:16:18.182 --> 00:16:27.480
I think it was initially part of their bigger plan for the metaverse and essentially their bigger plan for the the metaverse and essentially integrating yourself into all these other companies.

00:16:27.480 --> 00:16:33.673
You're just established yourself even further as the, the leader, the leader in the operating system leader.

00:16:33.673 --> 00:16:34.980
So it's, it's genius.

00:16:34.980 --> 00:16:38.347
But the app lab thing, I'm mixed on it, dude.

00:16:38.347 --> 00:16:40.427
I think app lab is brilliant.

00:16:40.427 --> 00:16:46.741
I love the way they have it, adding the search button that's to the store was the only.

00:16:46.923 --> 00:16:57.291
Thing that we've said since app lab started was and we talked to chris pruitt, we got a really good he's actually the reason that I'm not 100 convinced on getting rid of app lab.

00:16:57.572 --> 00:16:59.042
But he, this mofo, sold me on it.

00:16:59.261 --> 00:17:03.109
He really educated to like why they don't do that and it made sense.

00:17:03.109 --> 00:17:16.288
So we, I had even said after that interview I said you'll never hear me complain again about not having a button on the, but go browse steam vr, they, they, they now will add the button.

00:17:16.627 --> 00:17:37.522
And then I agree with I think you said off air when we were talking is like that's where it should stop, you know, and still have app lab and so I don't know what's really going to happen well, there's two things that I think app lab needed exactly that a section on the app, on the store page, to just view app lab games which, boom, it's getting for a little bit before it fully goes away.

00:17:37.522 --> 00:17:38.766
So that was needed.

00:17:38.766 --> 00:17:53.776
And then, honestly, it just really needed more transparent requirements to advance to the official store so developers could plan appropriately and game plan to update or hit those benchmarks or those milestones.

00:17:53.776 --> 00:17:59.952
The biggest issues was the lack of visibility and the unclear requirements for curation.

00:17:59.952 --> 00:18:07.623
If you could define the requirements and you could add the you know the, the visibility to it, there's no reason to get rid of it.

00:18:07.623 --> 00:18:10.009
It's actually good to have that bit of curation.

00:18:10.068 --> 00:18:11.240
I I said I snuck in.

00:18:11.240 --> 00:18:17.079
You know, go view steam vr, you go browse the steam vr section or even the steam store in general.

00:18:17.079 --> 00:18:24.826
It's a hard, hard market to get any type of visibility and sometimes the games that get visibility is just weird.

00:18:25.307 --> 00:18:50.751
It's, you know, bunch of porn games on the vr section no, I've had steam for over 20 years, but I'll be the first to admit it, it sucks in that department for visibility, but it also has worked you know amazingly well like manner lords for for yeah, I mean in the mix, but you just, man, you gotta scroll through fucking so much bullshit to find unless you know, just like app lab, unless you know exactly what you're looking for.

00:18:50.751 --> 00:18:55.922
But like, if I want to just search by genre or something, it's like, come on but, you want anime porn.

00:18:56.102 --> 00:19:00.115
I mean steams, the place man, so I don't I don't know, that's your thing.

00:19:00.576 --> 00:19:04.509
I'm the operating system news amazing app lab.

00:19:04.548 --> 00:19:26.042
I would have liked to see just more reworkings and development on, versus completely well, my concern is like, since the VR space, you know the majority, it's indie devs, right, and they already struggle enough with their ability to make games and now it's become more of a competitive space as well and the marketing aspect is huge.

00:19:26.795 --> 00:19:28.401
You know, I joked.

00:19:28.401 --> 00:19:41.839
I'm like PR companies are going to cash cow this till the cows come home, because it's going to be so much more difficult to me to get your game marketed for the store versus, you know, being on App Lab and it being very select and so we'll see.

00:19:42.414 --> 00:19:51.807
Especially when you look at how games have started to use App Lab for early access and open beta and stuff like that, it's like I don't know if we should be getting rid of the system versus reworking it.

00:19:51.855 --> 00:19:54.042
It's not broke, you know, definitely not.

00:19:54.474 --> 00:20:01.480
But I just think it needed think, it needed love and tender, it needed care, it needed some reworking it just needed a button.

00:20:01.480 --> 00:20:03.481
It needed some changes not to get rid of.

00:20:03.714 --> 00:20:05.823
People could click on and be brought to it.

00:20:06.194 --> 00:20:07.441
But hey, not for nothing.

00:20:07.441 --> 00:20:11.641
At first I didn't like the App Lab curation and then I became sold on it.

00:20:11.641 --> 00:20:14.163
Maybe I'll end up getting sold on the other way.

00:20:14.163 --> 00:20:16.976
I'm just speaking my initial it.

00:20:16.976 --> 00:20:18.079
Maybe I'll end up getting sold on the other way.

00:20:18.079 --> 00:20:18.643
I'm just speaking.

00:20:18.643 --> 00:20:19.365
My initial there's no choice.

00:20:19.385 --> 00:20:23.740
Yeah, I'll come around to an event when I'm used to stop supporting app web devs or we're go with the flow, but we know we're not going to not support.

00:20:23.820 --> 00:20:24.923
So as of right now.

00:20:24.923 --> 00:20:28.079
This is that's my initial initial feel on it.

00:20:28.079 --> 00:20:30.345
Uh for sure, but still big stuff.

00:20:30.345 --> 00:20:40.084
You know, the operating system news is is huge, to say the least, and beyond that, they threw some shots at Google too, where they said that Deservingly though they're working on.

00:20:40.234 --> 00:20:41.319
Google took shots at them.

00:20:41.319 --> 00:21:05.965
They're working on building a framework to allow mobile app developers you know, who have like flat-screen mobile apps on your phone, to easily port them over to the MetaHorizon operating system, and they threw a shot at Google saying, since you know, we've offered this to google with their play store, but they don't want it and we're open to this whenever, but since they won't, basically we will, you know, and that wasn't word for word, but along those lines.

00:21:05.965 --> 00:21:14.402
So it was nice to see some shots thrown in that regard too, because the other month google hit them up being like hey, use our operating system in your devices.

00:21:14.402 --> 00:21:16.547
It was quite whack, I feel like.

00:21:16.547 --> 00:21:33.962
I think I got rid of app lab, though, because they were getting some some smack, because zucks has been going on podcasts and interviews uh, really talking about how open the quest ecosystem is in comparison to, like, apple and such and some app lab stuck on app lab.

00:21:33.962 --> 00:21:36.228
Developers didn't take too kindly to that.

00:21:36.228 --> 00:21:39.826
Like what do you mean that your ecosystem is open if I'm stuck on app lab?

00:21:39.926 --> 00:21:44.682
well, so I think due to that criticism and response is partially why they're phasing out app lab.

00:21:44.682 --> 00:21:45.765
That's just my opinion.

00:21:46.025 --> 00:21:49.380
I would, I would I would have to say who's the developer.

00:21:49.380 --> 00:21:51.325
What game did they make?

00:21:51.325 --> 00:21:52.185
Who's the developer?

00:21:52.366 --> 00:21:53.087
because I go.

00:21:53.087 --> 00:21:58.865
I I've seen a lot of developers say it well I understand, I'm just saying, I just don't know off the top of my head that I can?

00:21:58.965 --> 00:22:03.902
I can go on app lab right now and, like dan clifton, I can go on app lab right now and pull 10 games.

00:22:03.902 --> 00:22:11.145
That if I, if it were up to me and I was the deciding factor as to the game getting on the store, it'd be like a flat no, yeah.

00:22:11.145 --> 00:22:17.800
So it's like if, if the majority of those developers are the ones you mentioned, dan Dan has a great product.

00:22:17.800 --> 00:22:19.221
He's had multiple great products.

00:22:19.914 --> 00:22:23.826
But his issue goes to my point before about unclear requirements, which I agree with.

00:22:23.826 --> 00:22:30.200
Just define the requirements to get on the store a little bit more clear, not throw the whole.

00:22:30.421 --> 00:22:30.962
I don't know man.

00:22:30.962 --> 00:22:47.268
I've heard mixed, I've heard both unclear requirements and I've heard others say that they, they clearly were given the direction that they need and things they have to change well, that's very specific cases there's no example for any old app developer.

00:22:47.307 --> 00:22:48.994
There's no definition of how to get on the store.

00:22:48.994 --> 00:23:08.396
I've never once been privy to any conversations that have taken place between developers and meta themselves, so I I can't even I'll be the first to say based off of everything I've talked with developers is definitely unclear the requirements for 99 of developers on app lab, what they need to do to get on the official store.

00:23:08.396 --> 00:23:09.839
But define that.

00:23:09.839 --> 00:23:10.221

00:23:10.221 --> 00:23:13.979
Don't abandon the whole system because app lab is a good system.

00:23:13.979 --> 00:23:16.468
It you know, just maybe needed some.

00:23:16.528 --> 00:23:31.596
I I kind of a thought on maybe why they don't, and that's because, like, let's say, a game meets the requirements like a to z, but it's still just not a good game well, now it's getting on the store anyway by getting rid of app lab.

00:23:31.596 --> 00:23:32.596
Well, that's why.

00:23:32.596 --> 00:23:35.643
That's why earlier I said I'm not a fan of it.

00:23:35.682 --> 00:23:37.605
Yeah, I know, we're both on the same page about it.

00:23:39.835 --> 00:23:45.240
I think it's going to hurt some of the up-and-coming developers a little, and it's also going to help some other.

00:23:45.240 --> 00:23:46.377
So it's going to be a mix.

00:23:46.377 --> 00:23:49.326
I'm just yeah, I just I've got concerns, that's all.

00:23:50.277 --> 00:24:04.378
I said at the start I said it a million times and I'll wrap up with it on this thought Just needed some changes, just needed a button, just some changes not to get rid of, but nonetheless Still huge news, probably the biggest news on the quest side of the year.

00:24:04.378 --> 00:24:11.102
I mean the fact that we're going to have multiple headsets running the quest operating system, not only for meta, is quite big.

00:24:11.102 --> 00:24:15.482
And then in other news, ghost of Tabor news it's wipe season.

00:24:15.482 --> 00:24:16.938
Out of nowhere.

00:24:16.938 --> 00:24:21.480
Wipe is coming May 1st, so have fun.

00:24:21.480 --> 00:24:23.641
Trader levels got raised.

00:24:23.641 --> 00:24:24.901
I think there's some extra cash.

00:24:24.901 --> 00:24:31.348
They said that they're giving some DLC items to be used until you know, the wipe actually happened.

00:24:31.348 --> 00:24:34.144
So May 1st, go crazy, a couple days away.

00:24:34.144 --> 00:24:37.082
Wipe season it's a hit and miss time.

00:24:37.082 --> 00:24:40.180
Some people don't don't like it because you know I take it off.

00:24:40.180 --> 00:24:42.547
Trader levels are unlocked and stuff like that.

00:24:42.547 --> 00:24:44.198
But it can still be fun for what it is.

00:24:44.238 --> 00:24:51.057
It's just a war zone season of the op right that's all you hear is boom, boom, boom.

00:24:51.617 --> 00:24:53.420
So yeah, wipe season right around the corner.

00:24:53.420 --> 00:24:55.403
They didn't say why.

00:24:55.403 --> 00:24:57.765
I wonder what's, what's coming with it.

00:24:57.765 --> 00:25:01.789
Usually when they wipe, it's for updates and stuff like that, but maybe it was just maintenance.

00:25:01.789 --> 00:25:02.651
We'll see.

00:25:02.651 --> 00:25:10.214
But they also said that the next wipe will be sometime later this summer as well, the next wipe after May 1st.

00:25:10.214 --> 00:25:11.461
So big Ghost of Tabor news.

00:25:11.461 --> 00:25:15.006
They also announced some new gun partnerships as well too.

00:25:15.006 --> 00:25:20.051
So always check out the Ghost of Tabor Discord in their announcement section.

00:25:20.051 --> 00:25:22.619
That game is so Over 100,000.

00:25:23.080 --> 00:25:23.804
Discord members.

00:25:23.994 --> 00:25:26.042
They crossed that benchmark.

00:25:26.042 --> 00:25:30.026
What was that last week, like mid-last week, so crushing it.

00:25:30.494 --> 00:25:33.384
Actually, they've actually surpassed it too.

00:25:33.384 --> 00:25:35.561
There's almost 700 more in there.

00:25:35.815 --> 00:25:55.006
And actually, besides Wipe just being on May 1st, to bore radio, the official ghost of the bore podcast hosted by yours truly, us to, uh, that drops the first of every month, so our next episode of it will also be May 1st, interviewing Mr Witty, the awesome community manager over there, Wicked Cool dude, dude.

00:25:55.006 --> 00:25:56.843
The discord's over 100K people.

00:25:56.843 --> 00:26:01.886
That's a loaded endeavor that Mr Witty has, plus the socials.

00:26:02.315 --> 00:26:06.026
I haven't talked to anyone from the studio that I wouldn't personally want to hang out with.

00:26:06.185 --> 00:26:06.366

00:26:07.980 --> 00:26:09.585
So they're all just wicked good people.

00:26:10.297 --> 00:26:10.900
It's a good one too.

00:26:10.900 --> 00:26:13.297
He's a good energy Mm-hmm.

00:26:13.297 --> 00:26:16.886
He carries that one on us, Not because we needed it, just because he had so much to say.

00:26:16.886 --> 00:26:18.560
So I like Mr Witty a lot.

00:26:18.560 --> 00:26:23.040
That's a fun one, also coming out May 1st, and he is witty, he is, and he's a Mr.

00:26:23.040 --> 00:26:24.123
He's a Mr Witty.

00:26:24.123 --> 00:26:25.665
So cool stuff.

00:26:25.665 --> 00:26:26.406
Good story too.

00:26:26.406 --> 00:26:28.430
Really good story he actually.

00:26:28.430 --> 00:26:43.778
He starts me like I hope that this story lasts one hour because it was so good.

00:26:43.778 --> 00:26:45.482
You know it didn't end up going the whole interview, but you can tell he's a.

00:26:45.482 --> 00:26:45.983
He's a good speaker.

00:26:45.983 --> 00:26:48.170
And then, besides, ghost of tabor, contractor showdown also officially launched this past week.

00:26:48.170 --> 00:26:51.778
Yay, with some improvements from the beta, that visually looks better too.

00:26:52.519 --> 00:27:10.381
Um, shooting seems a little bit easier yeah, I don't know if it's like gameplay changes they made or if it's the difference between, like before it was in beta and the people going in were like hardcore shooter fans, knowing what they're getting into, you know, really looking forward to it, and now it's on the official store, it's on steam.

00:27:10.381 --> 00:27:14.414
You're getting more players like average players in there.

00:27:14.454 --> 00:27:30.760
So I don't know if it's a average skill level difference of the game or gameplay changes they made, but we're getting kills we came in third last night yeah, I mean, that didn't happen during beta um, we got kind of high in beta, but not with kills like that too, my first time I jumped in.

00:27:30.800 --> 00:27:34.836
I think we each killed like three or four people so it was like we've been getting kills every game.

00:27:34.836 --> 00:27:40.026
It's a great game, pop one for adults yeah, matt, sarah loved it, you know.

00:27:40.046 --> 00:27:42.936
Remember that the other, like a month ago I'll kill the shit out of him.

00:27:42.936 --> 00:27:49.604
You say that let's see he'd be a fun one to squad up with, because you know he's just high energy he's the ultimate nerd.

00:27:49.604 --> 00:28:07.002
You know he starts off all like tech videos with what's up nerds, but he doesn't mean it disrespectfully no, I love matt sarah, matt sarah, he's got that city attitude you know, when you hear him talk about vr too, it's with such passion, it's with such like love and everything.

00:28:07.002 --> 00:28:08.326
The guy it's contagious.

00:28:08.467 --> 00:28:12.065
Remember the show him and dana had I can't remember the name looking for a fight.

00:28:12.065 --> 00:28:17.780
Yeah, and like literally every fucking week, someone's gonna fuck fuck with Matt Serra, like all people on earth.

00:28:17.780 --> 00:28:29.980
This big meatball looking guy what You're looking at Dana White, ed, yeah right, and this fucking dude that just looks like a bulldog with no hair, and you're going to go out of your way to fucking fuck with him.

00:28:29.980 --> 00:28:31.098
Ufc Hall of Famer.

00:28:31.240 --> 00:28:32.022
Are you nuts?

00:28:40.095 --> 00:28:41.401
Former nuts, former ufc world world champion same thing with um.

00:28:41.421 --> 00:28:43.148
I'm surprised forrest griffin I'm people would fuck with him in the bathroom.

00:28:43.148 --> 00:28:53.602
Yeah, I'm surprised meta doesn't try to do collaborations with matt sarah, because here he is, he's going on joe rogan experience, one of the biggest podcasts in the in the world like, without a doubt and he's sitting there screaming.

00:28:53.602 --> 00:28:54.282
Why do they?

00:28:54.323 --> 00:28:55.243
have to think that's Zuck.

00:28:55.243 --> 00:28:58.228
Was it Matt who?

00:28:58.228 --> 00:29:00.250
Because Matt Sarah's hanging out?

00:29:01.795 --> 00:29:02.698
But Matt Sarah's a cool guy.

00:29:02.698 --> 00:29:05.205
Just because you have one doesn't mean screw everybody else.

00:29:05.205 --> 00:29:08.262
Matt Sarah, do some collaboration with him.

00:29:08.323 --> 00:29:09.065
I agree with you.

00:29:09.065 --> 00:29:11.363
But Zuck, that's his thing right now.

00:29:11.363 --> 00:29:14.444
He loves fucking going down to the ring.

00:29:14.444 --> 00:29:16.660
Who did he walk out with?

00:29:16.921 --> 00:29:17.523
So why wouldn't he?

00:29:18.317 --> 00:29:19.654
That's more the reason to be with Matt Serk.

00:29:19.654 --> 00:29:20.759
He's having fun, you know.

00:29:21.035 --> 00:29:23.240
I don't understand that logic one bit.

00:29:23.240 --> 00:29:23.800
I don't even know.

00:29:23.800 --> 00:29:29.317
I don't get what you're saying, whatever, it doesn't bother me man, I'm just saying I kind of get it, matt's got his.

00:29:29.336 --> 00:29:37.534
I mean, he's running a gym traveling all over the country.

00:29:37.428 --> 00:29:38.152
Oh, don't get me wrong, but do a little live stream with him or something.

00:29:38.152 --> 00:29:38.490
Zuck had some time.

00:29:38.490 --> 00:29:41.185
You know UFC Walter Waite, former Walter Waite champion playing VR, screaming about it.

00:29:41.185 --> 00:29:42.116
Throw him on your.

00:29:42.136 --> 00:29:42.839
YouTube channel or something.

00:29:42.839 --> 00:29:44.560
There's a lot of UFC players who play VR.

00:29:45.335 --> 00:29:55.409
I saw one UFC fighter raging on Gosa Tabor on Twitter the other week and then by the end of it it was like making up with scott and you know, like you know, I get it.

00:29:55.409 --> 00:29:59.599
Basically he was raging about some shit, rage, rage, rage.

00:29:59.599 --> 00:30:03.445
Scott and mikhail come also start commenting.

00:30:03.445 --> 00:30:07.304
Amazing job at like calming person management.

00:30:07.304 --> 00:30:09.131
Yeah, you know, really get a feel of the situation.

00:30:09.131 --> 00:30:10.075
Okay, what happened?

00:30:10.075 --> 00:30:12.300
Why are you upset?

00:30:12.300 --> 00:30:13.584
Boom, boom, boom.

00:30:13.584 --> 00:30:15.829
And it basically ended up with it with the fighter.

00:30:15.829 --> 00:30:16.751
His name is vince pichelle.

00:30:16.751 --> 00:30:19.665
He was basically like look, it's just because I love the freaking game.

00:30:19.665 --> 00:30:22.477
Well, I mean, and scott goes, I get it.

00:30:22.477 --> 00:30:28.618
There's been times I've screamed about my own game, about things needing to get fixed, like I 100 get it, and everything was cool.

00:30:29.299 --> 00:30:36.501
You know, it was really cool to see and, uh, the the fuse of the professional fighter is pretty short, you know.

00:30:36.501 --> 00:30:49.083
So it doesn't take much, I think, to set off some dudes and the passion they you have to have to be willing to go into a ring and like, sacrifice your fucking face as a sport.

00:30:49.083 --> 00:30:56.586
You know, in your joints and your hips and your toes it's like if it can break or or get off, it's going to happen.

00:30:56.586 --> 00:30:58.602
So I get that passion.

00:30:58.602 --> 00:31:01.663
Good for them, for calming the situation down.

00:31:01.894 --> 00:31:04.523
Yeah, it's not easy, especially, as you said, a passionate fighter.

00:31:04.523 --> 00:31:11.837
But there's a shit ton of fighters that love VR Max Holloway, he loves VR, but yeah, it's cool stuff.

00:31:12.403 --> 00:31:13.192
So Contractor Showdown.

00:31:13.192 --> 00:31:18.518
I haven't seen Snoop Dogg in VR, yet I do love that he'll.

00:31:18.518 --> 00:31:19.240
He'll stream and just play.

00:31:19.259 --> 00:31:27.865
People play like madden and shit, playing with double jj so contractor showdown officially out now on the meta quest and steam vr.

00:31:27.865 --> 00:31:49.084
We drop it over there by the church g, so we'll do one or two more, then we'll take a quick ad break and then, in other news of things that came out last week, walkabout mini golf's newest dlc passport venice officially launched is samadio and as always with walkabout dlc's freaking amazing, probably one of my worst scoring courses.

00:31:49.285 --> 00:31:51.917
Not how I would rate it, like how I actually physically did in the course.

00:31:51.917 --> 00:31:53.240
I think it was like plus 20 or something terrible like that.

00:31:53.240 --> 00:31:53.741
You absolutely smoked me.

00:31:53.741 --> 00:31:54.463
I even did it twice the second time.

00:31:54.463 --> 00:31:56.588
I did think it was like plus 20 or something terrible like that.

00:31:56.588 --> 00:31:57.570
You absolutely smoked me.

00:31:57.570 --> 00:32:00.239
I even did it twice the second time I did it.

00:32:00.239 --> 00:32:04.393
I was like this time I'm really going to unlock hard mode and did marginally better.

00:32:05.115 --> 00:32:06.281
I did worse the second.

00:32:06.281 --> 00:32:08.122
I did four under the first time.

00:32:09.221 --> 00:32:12.336
Yeah, but you started to do ridiculous shots because you're like I already have it unlocked.

00:32:12.336 --> 00:32:13.017
Yeah, that's right.

00:32:13.017 --> 00:32:15.119
So I'll stick up for you there.

00:32:15.119 --> 00:32:22.627
Pretty difficult course for my play style, but still visually amazing To beat the hell out of the ball.

00:32:22.647 --> 00:32:25.770
Yeah, a lot of corners to cut, but a really fun one.

00:32:25.770 --> 00:32:38.563
I still had fun with it and actually, because it's so hard for my play style, I want to keep going back into it because it's a challenge for me, but visually it's a challenge for me, but visually it's great.

00:32:38.563 --> 00:32:40.174
Yeah, I mean, they have it in this small little section of Venice too.

00:32:40.174 --> 00:32:43.761
But then you go like explore and you're like holy fuck, they built so much.

00:32:43.761 --> 00:32:49.101
But like the whole course is in this little section of it Made me not want to go to Venice.

00:32:49.776 --> 00:32:49.875

00:32:49.875 --> 00:32:52.337
Because of how compact it was Very compact.

00:32:52.337 --> 00:32:53.884
And then I have plumbing questions.

00:32:53.884 --> 00:32:57.740
I have a lot of plumbing questions Like where's it all going?

00:32:58.622 --> 00:33:00.905
Because you saw, it's all canals.

00:33:00.905 --> 00:33:03.210
What happens if everybody flushes at the same time?

00:33:04.335 --> 00:33:05.858
I need it to poop.

00:33:05.858 --> 00:33:08.403
Oh no, you do that over there, Right over the dock.

00:33:08.403 --> 00:33:10.147
I need it to poop.

00:33:10.147 --> 00:33:13.657
No but great course, as always.

00:33:13.657 --> 00:33:15.463
So much hidden little shit going on too.

00:33:15.463 --> 00:33:19.778
Like you can play it, the balls are freaking hard.

00:33:19.778 --> 00:33:22.507
I was just about to say it Damn you Edward.

00:33:22.827 --> 00:33:28.045
You know what the balls are probably hidden way in those other areas that you know it's not.

00:33:28.134 --> 00:33:30.702
I knew when I found the first one, and I saw what color it was.

00:33:30.782 --> 00:33:36.683
I was like ah, and where it was yeah, I'm like this is how we're going to start it, are we?

00:33:36.785 --> 00:33:41.898
Well, well, well, edward, it's a well-paid.

00:33:41.898 --> 00:33:42.780
It's a fun one to do.

00:33:42.780 --> 00:33:51.005
Accents in the sound score, like always, is absolutely spot on, but if you ask me to hum it right now, I can't In it.

00:33:51.005 --> 00:33:52.015
I'm humming it the whole time we're playing.

00:33:52.615 --> 00:34:09.121
This is a thought I've struggled to express before, but no real like new gameplay features in the sense of like, no, nothing untraditional like lasers or freezing or anything like that.

00:34:09.121 --> 00:34:15.110
It's all like physics, it's all just angles and stuff and stuff like that.

00:34:15.110 --> 00:34:15.672
Does that make sense?

00:34:15.672 --> 00:34:18.172
It's a more traditional course in that regard.

00:34:18.724 --> 00:34:20.030
Yeah, they didn't take too many.

00:34:20.030 --> 00:34:24.759
There was nothing, they did that you couldn't see in a real golf course.

00:34:24.759 --> 00:34:26.144
You couldn't do in real life Correct.

00:34:26.144 --> 00:34:31.711
You could have made every hole, hole for hole, and it would have been the same, unless there's one I'm not thinking of.

00:34:31.985 --> 00:34:32.889
Off the top of my head.

00:34:33.184 --> 00:34:34.989
That's what that's no even the 18th.

00:34:35.130 --> 00:34:41.695
It's all like realistic mini golf, it's all possible yes, it's all realistically possible, which, granted, you could make a laser.

00:34:41.695 --> 00:34:48.777
But I mean, come on, that's not realistic, not feasible, you'd lose money exactly because every unless you had it in the structure.

00:34:48.797 --> 00:34:53.985
Look, if you your ball, you lose your ball, you're playing with two halves, or you're not playing, or you pay for it.

00:34:53.985 --> 00:34:55.429
But you know that wouldn't work.

00:34:55.429 --> 00:34:57.695
But it's great stuff, great stuff.

00:34:57.695 --> 00:35:01.050
You do it with a water jet, though, and just put like red light through it.

00:35:01.391 --> 00:35:09.358
What's crazy about this one, too, is I mean, there are some courses that you know are coming because they announce them, but this one they love doing that.

00:35:09.358 --> 00:35:11.911
This one got kind of like shadow, announced and dropped it.

00:35:11.911 --> 00:35:15.650
It was announced boom coming out next week and then it dropped there's there's some.

00:35:15.710 --> 00:35:19.297
I think they're like themed IP courses and all that.

00:35:19.297 --> 00:35:23.534
They'll probably go the extra mile to like build the hype for it.

00:35:24.255 --> 00:35:25.077
Like the Meow Wolf.

00:35:25.224 --> 00:35:32.068
I think they take more joy in surprising us with what's coming next, because you don't nobody.

00:35:32.068 --> 00:35:39.690
And I saw some people like oh, I thought we were going to be getting Laser Layer 2 or something like that, but they're always leaving you guessing.

00:35:40.653 --> 00:35:42.728
Great stuff, though I had a lot of fun with this one.

00:35:42.748 --> 00:35:43.411
Yeah, man, I love it.

00:35:43.664 --> 00:35:48.114
Definitely want to go back in because I haven't officially unlocked the hard course yet.

00:35:48.114 --> 00:35:49.237
So that's bothering me.

00:35:49.237 --> 00:35:50.871
I still have all the balls to find.

00:35:50.965 --> 00:35:53.807
If you want to play it, I'll be more than happy to let you play it off of me.

00:35:54.048 --> 00:35:55.309
And we mentioned this last week too.

00:35:55.309 --> 00:35:57.052
But we've got to finish up some Demio too.

00:35:57.052 --> 00:35:59.534
I've been loving going into Demio as well.

00:35:59.534 --> 00:36:04.840
Now that we've got PC VR I'm tempted to go grab Dungeon Full Dive as well.

00:36:04.840 --> 00:36:16.182
I just don't know too much of the differences between the free and the paid version and how much of Dungeons Dragons I already have to understand to actually get enjoyment out of it.

00:36:16.182 --> 00:36:16.885
But I'm tempted.

00:36:19.065 --> 00:36:22.215
Basically, what I'm saying is I can't wait for resolution games to come out with their dungeon dragon game.

00:36:22.215 --> 00:36:22.938
You know what's coming out soon?

00:36:22.938 --> 00:36:24.143
What non-vr related, oh what just?

00:36:24.143 --> 00:36:26.088
But I know I know you'll have interest in it.

00:36:26.728 --> 00:36:30.577
Autopsy oh the one that I tried to yeah two years ago.

00:36:30.657 --> 00:36:32.827
Yep, it's finally coming out made for vr.

00:36:32.847 --> 00:36:34.652
In my opinion it was so good.

00:36:34.773 --> 00:36:39.110
It would be so good in vr I mean, like everything about it could work in vr.

00:36:39.110 --> 00:36:40.635
Yeah, it was.

00:36:40.635 --> 00:36:43.092
I think any first person game like all the photo.

00:36:43.172 --> 00:36:46.690
I mean it would, the game would actually be way better in vr as well.

00:36:46.690 --> 00:36:57.552
Autopsy and then I I definitely do, speaking of flat screen, since we're doing that, I've been playing a lot of that undisputed game we checked out at pax the other year as well, yeah, been playing the career mode on it.

00:36:57.572 --> 00:36:58.434
I'm gonna going to get Manor.

00:36:58.474 --> 00:36:59.757
Lord, I'm tempted to man.

00:36:59.757 --> 00:37:01.251
I found out it's from a solo dev.

00:37:01.271 --> 00:37:02.146
I'm already sold, do you?

00:37:02.146 --> 00:37:03.550
See the fucking graphics on that thing.

00:37:03.550 --> 00:37:04.273
It's a solo dev.

00:37:04.344 --> 00:37:10.630
He did some outsourced work though, like contract, you know people working on temporarily but for the most part it's a solo dev.

00:37:10.630 --> 00:37:16.577
I found the first Steam payout he gets.

00:37:16.577 --> 00:37:21.300
I hope he fucking feels so good because he's number one on Steam, at least as of last night.

00:37:21.300 --> 00:37:25.246
Dude, if he's a solo dev, hats off.

00:37:25.246 --> 00:37:32.094
I love those type of stories To find out somebody just had this artistic vision, this game that they wanted to make.

00:37:32.094 --> 00:37:34.757
They did it and it hit number one on the store.

00:37:35.478 --> 00:37:39.467
Class screen Good job, right, that's good.

00:37:39.467 --> 00:37:44.313
You'm going to go back to Grimm Right, that's going to, because you're going to watch an unfolding when that game hits the market.

00:37:44.313 --> 00:37:45.427
There's already people talking.

00:37:45.427 --> 00:37:45.969
Game of the Year.

00:37:45.969 --> 00:37:47.313
Yeah, you haven't even tried it.

00:37:47.313 --> 00:37:48.597
Let's see.

00:37:48.597 --> 00:37:50.652
And that's just based on conception.

00:37:51.385 --> 00:38:00.547
And then two more that launched last week as well Arcade Paradise VR, which we interviewed Sam Clay, the producer of it the other week.

00:38:00.547 --> 00:38:11.918
That launched on the official meta quest store last week, so awesome stuff there, he was a cool dude, and then also a mixed reality visual experience called astra from atlas 5.

00:38:12.079 --> 00:38:13.887
I know them most from madrid noir.

00:38:13.887 --> 00:38:15.389
That's where we first came across them.

00:38:15.389 --> 00:38:24.237
Good movie, one of the best animation and just overall movie development studios working in virtual reality.

00:38:24.237 --> 00:38:25.561
They crush it with any film.

00:38:25.561 --> 00:38:32.976
If you see something coming out from atlas 5 or their vr specific wing is called astrea, a-s-t-r-e-a.

00:38:32.976 --> 00:38:34.965
I mean, I love them, they're.

00:38:34.965 --> 00:38:36.389
They're arguably my favorite.

00:38:36.389 --> 00:38:37.552
Everything they do is good.

00:38:37.552 --> 00:38:39.677
So Astra launched last week.

00:38:39.677 --> 00:38:50.853
I haven't checked it out yet, but Henry Stockdale, who hangs out a bit in our Discord, sometime writer for Upload VR, I read his article on it and he said it's a bit shorter but it's a really good experience.

00:38:51.324 --> 00:38:52.610
Now, visually it's going to be nice.

00:38:53.385 --> 00:38:54.608
I think it's $9.99.

00:38:54.608 --> 00:38:55.750
I'm definitely going to check it out.

00:38:55.750 --> 00:38:58.476
So Astra VR launched as well too.

00:38:58.476 --> 00:39:02.067
So great stuff, busy week.

00:39:02.067 --> 00:39:06.956
We'll try to come back and wrap up all the news quick because, as always, we have an interview coming up after.

00:39:06.956 --> 00:39:11.773
Let's see who we're talking to this week and who else we have coming up later in May.

00:39:11.773 --> 00:39:14.425
I think that we might have some tricks up our sleeves.

00:39:14.626 --> 00:39:16.228
We don't say ever who we're getting.

00:39:16.228 --> 00:39:18.112
But we might have some tricks up our sleeves.

00:39:18.112 --> 00:39:20.295
We don't say ever who we're getting, but we might have some tricks up our sleeves.

00:39:20.295 --> 00:39:22.077
This one will be fucking ginormous for me and you.

00:39:22.077 --> 00:39:22.699
Yeah, I don't know about.

00:39:22.778 --> 00:39:23.340
For I don't know.

00:39:23.460 --> 00:39:46.909
I don't know for everyone else, but for me as a fan boy, it will be that, yeah, so as always before, ones before we take our ad break, let's give a huge shout out to ourim Amelia Earth, witness, carson, generic, vibes, t-peasy, jake, crispy and Shoes.

00:39:46.909 --> 00:39:49.030
Thank you all for your continued support.

00:39:49.030 --> 00:39:51.010
You all rock as well.

00:39:51.010 --> 00:39:52.074
You can join that list.

00:39:52.074 --> 00:39:57.592
Go check out the link in our show notes to join our official Patreon and our official Discord server.

00:39:57.592 --> 00:40:04.105
Our Patreon has some cool listener perks like on-air shoutouts, access to an exclusive channel.

00:40:04.105 --> 00:40:09.190
In our Discord server you can also get your name across the bottom of the screen on a rolling ticker.

00:40:09.190 --> 00:40:12.108
So a whole bunch of cool stuff like that as well.

00:40:12.108 --> 00:40:15.331
Like I said, you can find the link to our Discord server in the show notes as well, too.

00:40:15.925 --> 00:40:25.590
Discord server we always say it Place to be Whole bunch of great VR discussion, game meetups, scheduled game meetups as well, as well as spontaneous ones.

00:40:25.590 --> 00:40:32.092
Whole bunch of book discussion, movie discussion, music discussion Overall just awesome, positive community.

00:40:32.092 --> 00:40:35.134
You'll hear the good mornings, good days every day.

00:40:35.134 --> 00:40:36.610
You know people ask how they're doing.

00:40:36.610 --> 00:40:37.673
It's a really good community.

00:40:37.673 --> 00:40:41.050
So go check out the discord, go check out the patreon.

00:40:41.050 --> 00:40:46.871
If you're on youtube, if you're on rss feed, on audio feed, smash that, that subscribe button.

00:40:46.871 --> 00:41:04.128
You know, follow us, subscribe whatever it says on your app player on youtube, like, comment, share, tell your friends, scream it from the mountains and we'll be back with you in just a moment, after this message from our sponsor this episode is brought to you by the spring cleaning champions, manscaped.

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00:41:55.532 --> 00:41:56.635
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00:42:22.219 --> 00:42:28.052
That's 20% off and free shipping with the code word rough talk, VR at manscapecom.

00:42:28.052 --> 00:42:30.858
Nothing like a little spring cleaning in your pants.

00:42:32.985 --> 00:42:33.827
And we are back.

00:42:33.827 --> 00:42:45.141
So, speaking of arcade paradise, they're made by a studio, wired Productions, which you always love, their logo corresponding with the name of their studio.

00:42:45.141 --> 00:42:47.331
It's a little fun Wired, and then it's a razor blade.

00:42:47.331 --> 00:42:49.934
I'll let you use your imagination there.

00:42:50.565 --> 00:42:52.590
We know who parties in the UK is what we'll say.

00:42:52.590 --> 00:42:53.793
I was around in the 80s.

00:42:53.793 --> 00:42:55.336
Remember well.

00:42:55.585 --> 00:42:57.052
So Wired Productions it's cool.

00:42:57.052 --> 00:43:01.786
They're primarily a flat screen studio but they've dabbled into vr.

00:43:01.786 --> 00:43:02.708
They're doing good.

00:43:02.708 --> 00:43:06.938
The last worker, vr, was made simultaneously for flat screen and vr.

00:43:06.938 --> 00:43:11.177
And then, of course, arcade paradise was originally flat screen and just got ported over to vr.

00:43:11.177 --> 00:43:26.331
They announced their next project coming to virtual reality called Dig VR, which, watching the trailer, I think it's like a 45 second, one minute trailer they put out, but it features actual gameplay footage, which is huge thumbs up.

00:43:26.331 --> 00:43:33.710
I never like when trailers are just like the name of the game and the sky in the background and you don't know what's going on.

00:43:33.710 --> 00:43:38.034
But right away on viewing this I was like dude, this is a game for you.

00:43:38.034 --> 00:43:43.673
This looks a little like Power wash in me, a little bit like lawnmower or Sam, a little bit like those same genres.

00:43:44.186 --> 00:43:45.110
I'll take any one of them.

00:43:45.231 --> 00:43:48.286
Yeah, just with digging, it looks like it looks like you're.

00:43:48.286 --> 00:43:49.793

00:43:49.793 --> 00:44:01.152
Chadwick and our discord has posted some of the toys he plays with at work being like things that dig and stuff like that, and you've always commented like, oh man, I would have so much fun with that.

00:44:01.172 --> 00:44:04.043
Oh yeah, bucket loaders and bobcats and shit, now those are.

00:44:04.043 --> 00:44:14.831
Now it looks like you'll kind of get to do that in vr well, I already can do it flat screen both on pc and xbox, so I'm happy to be able.

00:44:14.831 --> 00:44:16.152
It's not called, not called dig.

00:44:16.172 --> 00:44:19.639
I play a construction game, but a game like that is your point.

00:44:20.224 --> 00:44:26.007
Yeah, a lot more advanced, but for entry level I'm all over this one To make you laugh a bit.

00:44:26.047 --> 00:44:35.387
I guess it kind of sticks with Wired Productions' theme of making your ass work right, because it looks like you're on a construction site, like they hand you tasks, like it doesn't look like you're just free digging.

00:44:35.387 --> 00:44:36.487
Like it doesn't look like you're just free digging.

00:44:36.507 --> 00:44:37.789
No, there'd be no reason for that.

00:44:37.789 --> 00:44:41.134
It looks like that you're going to have a teamster, you're going to have the lead.

00:44:41.153 --> 00:44:45.880
He's going to be telling your ass what to do, so we'll see Clocking in getting a paycheck.

00:44:47.750 --> 00:44:50.884
Oh, if it's a union, yell that by the wife when you get home.

00:45:00.126 --> 00:45:01.530
If it's a union gig, you better be, was announced, is cool man.

00:45:01.530 --> 00:45:10.568
It's a studio that has VR on their mind and they're continuously putting out new titles, and one that looks like they read your mind for what you would like to see in VR.

00:45:10.568 --> 00:45:11.773
So cool stuff.

00:45:11.773 --> 00:45:18.626
And then another game kind of like that too, that was announced coming to App Lab later this year Mudrunner VR.

00:45:18.626 --> 00:45:19.871
App Lab later this year Mud Runner VR.

00:45:19.871 --> 00:45:23.793
Excited for this one Looks like you tow things through the mud.

00:45:23.793 --> 00:45:26.132
You do a whole bunch of just mud driving.

00:45:26.172 --> 00:45:32.833
It looks like I mean, if it's like flat screen, you know it could be as simple as hey, you just got to get from here up the hill.

00:45:32.833 --> 00:45:36.172
But it's not a game for everyone.

00:45:36.172 --> 00:45:37.269
I'll say that right off the bat.

00:45:37.269 --> 00:45:37.733
It's a game for you.

00:45:37.733 --> 00:45:38.378
I'll say that right off the bat.

00:45:38.378 --> 00:45:38.983
It's a game for you.

00:45:38.983 --> 00:45:41.489
Though, yeah, I love the flat screen.

00:45:41.489 --> 00:45:51.237
I don't, I don't mind, like having to get out of my truck and hook up fucking cable to a tree and get myself pulled out of the rut because you can't get.

00:45:51.237 --> 00:45:53.166
And that's the reality of how the game is.

00:45:53.166 --> 00:45:54.746
It's like you're gonna be going like two miles an hour.

00:45:54.746 --> 00:45:57.289
You're going to be going like two miles an hour.

00:45:57.289 --> 00:46:00.690
Tires are slipping, it's like driving on mud.

00:46:01.791 --> 00:46:05.894
Driving in fucking unbelievable mud with a truck, that's.

00:46:05.894 --> 00:46:14.079
But what's cool is it's usually riddled with DLC, so there's a lot that they can go after they come out with it.

00:46:14.079 --> 00:46:15.860
So I'm excited for it.

00:46:15.860 --> 00:46:17.422
It's my type of game.

00:46:17.422 --> 00:46:18.262
I fucking love it.

00:46:20.664 --> 00:46:21.510
I did make a speaking error.

00:46:21.510 --> 00:46:22.434
I think I said said app lab.

00:46:22.434 --> 00:46:24.746
I don't think it's going to app lab, I think it's going to the official store.

00:46:24.746 --> 00:46:26.309
Did make later this year.

00:46:26.510 --> 00:46:31.034
I would say it would make sense, but that's not always the case yeah, we just talked so much about app lab earlier.

00:46:31.596 --> 00:46:33.021
Slipped out, slipped out like that.

00:46:33.021 --> 00:46:35.188
But mud runner vr coming coming soon to the meta quest platform I'm excited.

00:46:35.188 --> 00:46:41.371
Some good games coming soon to the MetaQuest platform I'm excited Some good games coming already for the second half of this year.

00:46:42.344 --> 00:46:47.016
I mean, dude, we're four months in and look at some of the releases we've already had in 2024.

00:46:47.016 --> 00:46:55.731
Big stuff around the corner with Dig VR and MudRunner VR, and then another one that I've been hyped for.

00:46:55.731 --> 00:47:01.811
It launches May 2nd on App Lab Mannequin, the next game from Fast Travel VR.

00:47:01.811 --> 00:47:06.195
Yeah, $19.99 as well is going to be the launch price on it.

00:47:06.195 --> 00:47:10.295
Interesting to see Fast Travel kind of get App Labbed.

00:47:10.295 --> 00:47:13.894
But it shows you no one is immune to curation.

00:47:13.894 --> 00:47:18.891
Nope, Fast Travel, one of the most established publishers and developers in VR.

00:47:20.164 --> 00:47:34.159
Sometimes they act as a third-party publisher and sometimes they develop their own in-house games like vampire meta, will have their own shit they do, they do, no, they do it's like hey, you didn't make the cut, man it's crazy, uh, but you know fast travel games.

00:47:34.179 --> 00:47:46.335
They publish games like guardians, frontline, ghost, signal, and then they make in-house games like Vampire, the Masquerade, justice and their next one being Mannequin, a two versus three kind of hide and seek game.

00:47:46.335 --> 00:47:52.210
It looks real interesting and launching this week on May 2nd, so I'm excited for it.

00:47:52.625 --> 00:47:53.769
Yeah, I can't wait to play this one.

00:47:53.965 --> 00:47:54.989
Yeah, I'm itching for it.

00:47:55.784 --> 00:48:03.434
I like it conceptually so usually if I like it conceptually and I know the studio making it is good at what they do, then it's going to make me happy.

00:48:03.693 --> 00:48:04.875
Absolutely so.

00:48:04.875 --> 00:48:05.735
That's an awesome one.

00:48:05.735 --> 00:48:10.561
And then one of the bigger announcements from last week for upcoming games.

00:48:10.561 --> 00:48:16.733
I know it was a big announcement because you're getting text messages from your coworkers that don't have VR asking if you heard about it.

00:48:16.733 --> 00:48:29.431
But the next game from Servios, a pretty big game studio, most known for me in VR myself for Creed Rise to Glory, a pretty fun boxing game.

00:48:29.431 --> 00:48:40.835
But they announced their next VR game, alien Rogue Insurgent, and it's announced that it's coming for Quest 3, playstation VR 2, and PC VR.

00:48:40.835 --> 00:48:44.132
No official date, but coming this year.

00:48:44.826 --> 00:48:48.947
This is one that I admit, like it's not all new games I'm like oh.

00:48:48.947 --> 00:48:49.791
I have to play this.

00:48:49.791 --> 00:48:50.452
Pc VR.

00:48:50.452 --> 00:48:55.217
But this one, I'll play it standalone and PC VR For the comparison.

00:48:55.217 --> 00:48:56.809
Yeah, man, because it has real potential.

00:48:56.809 --> 00:48:57.353
It's going to be scary.

00:48:57.353 --> 00:48:57.815
It's an alien game.

00:48:57.815 --> 00:48:58.739
Yeah, man, cause it has real potential.

00:48:58.739 --> 00:48:59.565
It's going to be scary.

00:49:00.326 --> 00:49:02.835
It's an alien game, yeah, man.

00:49:02.835 --> 00:49:04.891
And Servios is a good developer.

00:49:04.891 --> 00:49:08.255
What's interesting is the announcement says coming to the quest three.

00:49:08.255 --> 00:49:11.010
So I take it as a Q3 exclusive.

00:49:11.010 --> 00:49:12.873
I mean no quest two.

00:49:12.873 --> 00:49:15.719
Yeah, I don't we'll, we'll see.

00:49:15.719 --> 00:49:21.659
I don't think it's coming out till holidays, though at the end of the year.

00:49:21.659 --> 00:49:22.304
Well, I'm even skeptical of that.

00:49:22.304 --> 00:49:24.072
I wouldn't be surprised to see it come out next year.

00:49:24.072 --> 00:49:26.992
The only reason I say that is because their gameplay trailer was nothing.

00:49:26.992 --> 00:49:31.125
Their trailer was the name Alien, but they announced that it's existing.

00:49:32.469 --> 00:49:34.134
I do, and I think it's in print.

00:49:34.134 --> 00:49:34.956
It might be coming out.

00:49:34.956 --> 00:49:37.704
It would suck if that got prolonged.

00:49:38.385 --> 00:49:48.896
It's probably one of the titles that they're gearing up for holiday sales, so we'll see yeah, it's just funny how some games really have to push gameplay like uh, dig, dig vr.

00:49:48.896 --> 00:49:55.505
You know they really had to show you the gameplay because it's a new ip whereas your shovel an existing ip alien.

00:49:55.865 --> 00:50:01.726
They they announce a vr game shows zero gameplay and you have co-workers texting you about it.

00:50:01.726 --> 00:50:05.757
It shows you the the really the power of a good ip.

00:50:05.757 --> 00:50:08.565
Now, man, so many good games coming soon.

00:50:08.565 --> 00:50:14.664
I keep seeing nicholas sutrich in our discord, the one of the writers over for android central.

00:50:14.664 --> 00:50:22.306
He keeps posting how you know he's he's previewing Homeworld VR and that's not out yet and I don't have access to it.

00:50:22.306 --> 00:50:23.431
I'm so freaking hyped for it.

00:50:23.431 --> 00:50:26.934
There's so many good games coming out, especially for a strategy fan like me.

00:50:26.934 --> 00:50:28.126
Mentioned it the other week.

00:50:28.126 --> 00:50:34.565
I never dove too much into Homeworld at all Actually never played it but it's a real-time strategy game coming to VR.

00:50:34.565 --> 00:50:36.530
I'm hyped, I want it, I want it ASAP.

00:50:36.530 --> 00:50:37.773
So much good stuff coming.

00:50:38.394 --> 00:50:39.797
And another cool one that was announced.

00:50:39.797 --> 00:50:42.793
It's called Laser Limbo.

00:50:42.793 --> 00:50:46.106
It's a co-location mixed reality game.

00:50:46.106 --> 00:50:50.793
It's available now in open beta on App Lab and it's cool.

00:50:50.793 --> 00:50:59.835
You can play it solo in mixed reality or, if you have two people in the same mixed reality area, you can play it PVP or you can play at co-op.

00:50:59.835 --> 00:51:08.230
So it doesn't look like the most like in-depth game in the world, but like there's not many co-location mixed reality games at all.

00:51:08.230 --> 00:51:09.632
So this is one.

00:51:09.632 --> 00:51:11.456
I even said it to you during the trailer.

00:51:11.456 --> 00:51:18.572
I was like this would actually give me a reason to be like hey, bring your headset over and we'll do a round before we podcast it or something.

00:51:18.572 --> 00:51:21.057
It looks pretty fun, so cool stuff.

00:51:21.965 --> 00:51:22.789
I mean I'll try it.

00:51:22.789 --> 00:51:26.768
I don't know how much it'll sink in as my cup of tea.

00:51:27.130 --> 00:51:29.672
No, because it doesn't fit our use case too much.

00:51:29.672 --> 00:51:36.268
Usually we're remotely, but you think of, like siblings who each own a headset, like come on, or two friends that each own a headset.

00:51:36.268 --> 00:51:40.534
They get together and now they're playing the fact that this type of genre is starting to come out.

00:51:40.534 --> 00:51:48.927
It only takes one or two really good games before we're like, dude, we gotta do some co-location, which geez.

00:51:48.927 --> 00:51:57.338
Besides this, the only game I can think of that supports it is Demio, which is very low movement, walkabout, doesn't not co-location.

00:51:57.378 --> 00:51:59.481
Mixed reality oh, mixed reality specific.

00:51:59.481 --> 00:52:02.976
Okay, because it does support co-location, doesn't it?

00:52:03.677 --> 00:52:10.599
I don't think officially, but it works, meaning like I played in the same room with my girlfriend, yeah, playing walkabout.

00:52:10.840 --> 00:52:12.143
We played it with you as well too.

00:52:12.143 --> 00:52:21.695
It was a fun time, uh, but I don't think it's like it might be in a I don't know me, I don't know, but for mixed reality, the only one I can think of besides this is demio.

00:52:21.695 --> 00:52:26.186
So this technology it's, it's starting to starting to roll out.

00:52:26.186 --> 00:52:44.838
And then, speaking of nicholas sutrich, who's teasing homeworld vr to us so much, he got a freaking, pretty big exclusive interview on android central last week with meta's head of ar hyping up their ar glasses that have long been rumored to be coming out in 2030.

00:52:44.838 --> 00:53:10.244
I don't know if that timeline has changed at all, but, according to them, demoing the ar glasses has that same wow moment, as you know, the first time, demoing the og oculus rift like really blowing people's mind to a whole new technology, which, granted, vr did exist before the Rift, but reigniting that, you know, and so it's exciting.

00:53:10.244 --> 00:53:14.041
I'm curious 2030 is really not that far away.

00:53:14.041 --> 00:53:15.646
It's half a decade.

00:53:16.655 --> 00:53:17.820
Who knows what will happen by then.

00:53:18.114 --> 00:53:18.838
And it could.

00:53:18.838 --> 00:53:23.936
The reason I say is because, if they're demoing it, if they know that it has that wow feature, I'm skeptical.

00:53:23.936 --> 00:53:25.320
It's five, six years away then.

00:53:26.342 --> 00:53:26.923
I have no idea.

00:53:26.923 --> 00:53:28.768
2030's a long time.

00:53:28.768 --> 00:53:30.862
I get what you're saying.

00:53:30.862 --> 00:53:32.822
It's not like forever six years.

00:53:33.695 --> 00:53:36.324
You know, you look at six years ago, that was 2018.

00:53:36.324 --> 00:53:38.481
It doesn't seem like that long ago.

00:53:38.481 --> 00:53:52.083
And the rumor with the AR glasses where zucks always said is that it'll be ar glasses with a wristband input like a neural input obviously nothing connected to your brain, it just uses neural signals from your wrist to today.

00:53:52.083 --> 00:53:54.668
Yeah, you know who knows?

00:53:54.668 --> 00:53:59.282
I'm down to cyborg any part of my body except my brain.

00:53:59.804 --> 00:54:09.556
If you want to give me like a new hand, I'm down I'll take the, I'll take the brain first, because then you can live forever or you die I don't know when they perfect it.

00:54:09.556 --> 00:54:10.639
That's what I'm saying.

00:54:10.639 --> 00:54:12.925
I don't want to be a guinea pig for it you can get any pig.

00:54:13.376 --> 00:54:14.056
You can get any pig.

00:54:14.056 --> 00:54:17.545
My hand, not my brain, though I don't live without a hand.

00:54:18.547 --> 00:54:19.277
You live without a brain.

00:54:19.277 --> 00:54:19.860
You won't know it.

00:54:19.860 --> 00:54:21.976
You live without a hand.

00:54:21.976 --> 00:54:23.382
It's gonna be a daily reminder.

00:54:23.382 --> 00:54:25.110
Like what the fuck was I thinking?

00:54:25.110 --> 00:54:27.518
I really thought we were at this point technologically.

00:54:27.518 --> 00:54:29.202
Why did this seem like a good?

00:54:29.202 --> 00:54:36.007
I should have known when it was in like an auto garage that this is probably not going to be the best operation for me.

00:54:36.007 --> 00:54:40.965
Not like cyberpunk it, where you get the little implant put a little drive into your skull.

00:54:41.365 --> 00:54:47.692
So I was relieved to find out, when they said neural wristband a long time ago, that they didn't mean like brain implant neural wristband.

00:54:47.692 --> 00:54:54.184
They mean like no just a little bracelet, Dude AR glasses, like even the Meta Ray brand bands.

00:54:54.184 --> 00:54:56.177
I talk about it with you, I think, every week.

00:54:56.177 --> 00:54:57.722
I'm like dude, I'm so tempted on a pair.

00:54:57.722 --> 00:54:58.965
Let's see.

00:54:59.445 --> 00:54:59.974
So what a?

00:54:59.994 --> 00:55:00.996
pricey, yeah.

00:55:00.996 --> 00:55:07.224
So last piece of news I got on the list the Meta's AR and VR division revenue.

00:55:07.224 --> 00:55:13.311
Their quarterly revenue saw a 30% increase driven by Quest sales.

00:55:13.311 --> 00:55:17.376
So I wonder how much of that?

00:55:17.376 --> 00:55:20.326
By Quest sales they mean discounting the Quest 2 to $200.

00:55:20.326 --> 00:55:24.304
That's a huge part and that shit flying off the shelf like hotcakes.

00:55:24.304 --> 00:55:28.864
I mean dude, it's such a steal price point.

00:55:28.884 --> 00:55:37.585
It's a good deal, it's working, it's obviously showing them some positive sale numbers and it's the stepping stone before the three.

00:55:37.585 --> 00:55:47.757
So I think a lot of those people are going to get quest twos and then months later they're jumping on the three, so it's a win-win yeah so good stuff this week between.

00:55:48.599 --> 00:55:53.108
You know the quest operating system news, all the games to come out, ghost of tabor, wipe.

00:55:53.108 --> 00:55:55.559
You know, contractor showdown let's go.

00:55:55.559 --> 00:55:57.541
Mannequin, right around the corner.

00:55:57.541 --> 00:55:59.164
Dig VR announced.

00:55:59.164 --> 00:56:02.148
We got PC VR all set up.

00:56:02.148 --> 00:56:02.949
What a week.

00:56:02.949 --> 00:56:10.961
And then there was Walkabout Mini Golf's newest DLC dropping Astro, launching Arcade Paradise, brazen Blaze open beta.

00:56:10.961 --> 00:56:13.407
Did I mention Brazen Blaze open beta?

00:56:13.407 --> 00:56:14.175
No, I don't think I did.

00:56:14.175 --> 00:56:18.967
Brazen Blaze, a game that was on our Rough Talk VR gaming showcase.

00:56:18.967 --> 00:56:22.663
We talked to Alberto Moreno, one of the producers for it.

00:56:22.663 --> 00:56:27.161
Awesome guy, alberto is awesome Game made by MyDearest.

00:56:27.161 --> 00:56:29.804
It's a 3v3 PvP game.

00:56:29.804 --> 00:56:34.166
It's launching on Open Beta now on Quest.

00:56:34.166 --> 00:56:38.385
You can go join that Open Beta by visiting their Discord and signing up.

00:56:38.385 --> 00:56:43.780
You know whatever Open Beta sign-up stuff that they have there and you know you can check it out and get some early impressions on it.

00:56:43.780 --> 00:56:45.740
So loaded week nonetheless.

00:56:45.740 --> 00:56:48.101
I know that there was a meditation app.

00:56:48.476 --> 00:56:50.603
You hopped into as well called Door Haven right.

00:56:50.603 --> 00:56:53.304
We know I'm a sucker for those wellness apps.

00:56:53.304 --> 00:56:56.364
I love the concept of it and being immersed in VR.

00:56:56.364 --> 00:57:04.659
It's like it's a game changer, especially if you get an active brain like mine.

00:57:04.659 --> 00:57:06.565
So the last one we really talked about and loved a lot mindway.

00:57:06.585 --> 00:57:10.360
Yep, mindway even sponsored an episode I mean a month still doing their thing, putting out.

00:57:10.360 --> 00:57:15.277
I mean they do groups, they do sit down sessions like little fireplace fireside chats.

00:57:15.277 --> 00:57:20.601
But um, this one is is fucking really good.

00:57:20.601 --> 00:57:24.126
Dude, I might only can your Haven, your Haven, yes, your.

00:57:24.166 --> 00:57:24.346

00:57:24.346 --> 00:57:25.987
We got a message like hey, you want to check this out?

00:57:25.987 --> 00:57:28.030
I've been working on this, always up for trying.

00:57:28.030 --> 00:57:28.951
You know I'm a sucker for.

00:57:29.231 --> 00:57:29.871
Wellness apps.

00:57:29.871 --> 00:57:31.699
Yeah, and I'll tell you what.

00:57:31.699 --> 00:57:42.239
My only full disclosure beef and usually if something is subscription, I don't even want to talk about it and that's like we're totally honest.

00:57:42.239 --> 00:57:42.760
We've seen some shit.

00:57:42.760 --> 00:57:44.208
We saw something we won't even mention it last week.

00:57:44.228 --> 00:57:51.139
We're like, yeah, I don't hell no, we were gonna talk about it and then we read into it and we're like fuck out of here it's over 300 bucks a year.

00:57:51.199 --> 00:57:54.766
You can kiss my ass, so this is at least affordably priced.

00:57:54.766 --> 00:57:59.121
And then I'm like, well, what would somebody actually pay to have a good space to actually med it?

00:57:59.121 --> 00:58:03.110
So five, six bucks a month, not the end of the world.

00:58:03.110 --> 00:58:06.244
I'm still not a fan of that model and I'll say it.

00:58:06.244 --> 00:58:23.043
But the program itself, home run, the aesthetics in there, like you know, you're new, you first go in, you're going to be taught, like a little something, but they're going deep with this, it seems like with real therapeutic benefits.

00:58:23.876 --> 00:58:27.023
Voice actors that you can tell are legit as fuck, dude.

00:58:27.023 --> 00:58:33.228
It's like that voice that you'd want to hear every day and and I already know how to breathe, to meditate.

00:58:33.228 --> 00:58:37.800
So I just went in it with the like okay, I just, you know, let me see what they got to offer.

00:58:37.800 --> 00:58:40.505
And it it's brilliant, it's visually good.

00:58:40.505 --> 00:58:54.601
The water is the water instantly stood out and then I heard the sounds and I'm like this is going to do it for a lot of people and it's on app lab and they do have a free trial so you can at least try it and then know is this even worth.

00:58:55.443 --> 00:59:02.844
But I would challenge if you did try it, you probably gonna fall in love with it yeah, I don't like subscription models for games and apps and stuff either.

00:59:02.884 --> 00:59:05.047
I'll side with you there I got enough fitness.

00:59:05.108 --> 00:59:05.856
I don't like.

00:59:05.856 --> 00:59:18.918
That's why I loved les mills, body combat all $30 boom, awesome coaching probably some of the best coaching I've seen in a vr app or do, or do the single price model and just do dlcs like the rest of the freaking world correct.

00:59:19.099 --> 00:59:19.561
I don't want to.

00:59:19.561 --> 00:59:23.679
I don't want to think something's free, no, that's.

00:59:23.679 --> 00:59:24.802
That's a huge bias.

00:59:24.802 --> 00:59:25.885
I have a reason.

00:59:25.885 --> 00:59:29.523
I don't touch free apps, you know, like games like cards and tankards, like oh, why did we stay away from it so long?

00:59:29.523 --> 00:59:32.702
Because cards and tankards is an amazing game same with gravity purchases.

00:59:32.702 --> 00:59:38.224
You know, I'd just rather fucking pay 9.99 or 15.99, whatever 14.99 to charge me.

00:59:38.224 --> 00:59:41.875
Yeah, I don don't charge you monthly, that was my only beef with your haven.

00:59:42.659 --> 00:59:44.730
I love it again.

00:59:44.730 --> 00:59:45.235
The sound.

00:59:45.235 --> 00:59:48.434
It's just the perfect combination for wellness.

00:59:48.434 --> 00:59:51.891
You look at their road map of what they're planning on doing.

00:59:51.891 --> 00:59:52.775
It's only going to get better.

00:59:52.775 --> 00:59:56.585
I don't care, charge $30 if that's what you got to charge.

00:59:56.585 --> 01:00:07.356
If that's what it's worth, I'll pay it, or charge $14 and then have dlcs that'll open up other experiences catered to correct but don't charge me five, six bucks a month?

01:00:07.817 --> 01:00:14.099
yeah, I'm just and that shit adds up, but I can't deny it's a good app, so I definitely want to talk about it, you know.

01:00:14.159 --> 01:00:15.963
But if you do want to spend five dollars, you can go.

01:00:15.963 --> 01:00:20.423
Throw that on the rough talk of your patreon, the same hey, uncle vin Vinny will call you.

01:00:20.483 --> 01:00:21.827
Help you get motivated.

01:00:21.827 --> 01:00:23.438
Why don't you get out of fucking bed?

01:00:23.478 --> 01:00:24.722
huh hey and stay tuned.

01:00:24.722 --> 01:00:25.565
It's time to go to work.

01:00:25.565 --> 01:00:29.565
We're under a year away from the next Rough Talk VR gaming showcase.

01:00:29.565 --> 01:00:34.525
That's going to be the first Friday in March of 2025.

01:00:34.525 --> 01:00:38.001
Stay tuned, big stuff in the works here.

01:00:41.275 --> 01:00:42.443
We got PC VR a whole bunch of new games to check out.

01:00:42.443 --> 01:00:44.215
This is the most unpredictable year of rough talk, by the way.

01:00:44.556 --> 01:00:45.762
New stuff keeps coming.

01:00:45.762 --> 01:00:48.163
Stay tuned for Ghost of Tabor Wipe.

01:00:48.163 --> 01:00:51.664
Stay tuned for the next episode of Tabor Radio.

01:00:51.664 --> 01:00:54.543
Stay tuned for what else we have planned this week.

01:00:54.543 --> 01:00:56.862
Stay tuned for next week.

01:00:56.862 --> 01:01:05.601
It's always fun in the world of virtual reality the fact that we can do a whole hour I hope next week comes through.

01:01:05.800 --> 01:01:13.342
Yeah, if it does, I'm I'm good we have the fact that we can do a whole one hour episode each week of just new shit in vr, is it?

01:01:13.342 --> 01:01:17.396
It shows you how ever evolving this industry has been.

01:01:17.396 --> 01:01:19.882
Yeah, 2024 has been a wacky year Not slowing down.

01:01:20.182 --> 01:01:21.085
For us personally it has.

01:01:21.085 --> 01:01:21.847
It's been a wacky year.

01:01:21.847 --> 01:01:22.347

01:01:22.614 --> 01:01:28.097
So a loaded year for the VR industry and a wacky year for us, but nonetheless, if you've been enjoying, the episode.

01:01:28.097 --> 01:01:28.777
Make it wackier.

01:01:28.777 --> 01:01:31.099
That's who we are A bunch of wacky folks.

01:01:31.099 --> 01:01:35.804
So subscribe, rate us five stars If you've been5 to throw away on wellness apps and stuff like that.

01:01:35.804 --> 01:01:38.927
Check out the Rough Talk VR Patreon.

01:01:38.927 --> 01:01:49.233
You get some on-air shout-outs and access to our Discord server and stuff like that.

01:01:49.233 --> 01:01:55.298
Other than that, stay tuned with what else we have planned for you this week and enjoy the rest of your day too.

01:01:55.298 --> 01:01:56.240
Ciao, ciao.

01:01:57.903 --> 01:01:58.465
Ciao, ciao.