Monday Morning Coffee - Interview with Lucas Martell - Creator of Walkabout Mini Golf VR

On this episode of Ruff Talk VR our hosts Dscruffles and Stratus interview Lucas Martell, the creator of Walkabout Mini Golf! Walkabout Mini Golf is one of the most popular games on the Oculus Quest store, and it's easy to see why! We talk with Lucas about the new DLC course Sweetopia, the future of Walkabout Mini Golf, his background in game development, and more!
Monday Morning Coffee is our series of episodes dedicated to discussion of Virtual Reality (VR) news and interviews with Oculus Quest game developers and others of influence in the VR world.
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Walkabout Mini Golf Store Link:
Store Description:
“An adorable mini-golf game that is unexpectedly convincing” — New York Times
“Brilliantly designed... Seriously, you have no idea how good VR mini-golf is” — CNET
“Everyone with an Oculus Quest 2 needs to play Walkabout Mini Golf” — TechRadar
8 unique 18-hole courses to master
Unlock NIGHT MODE for more challenging versions of all courses
Play solo, 1v1 online quick match, or create a private room with up to 5 players
Extremely accurate physics feel just like the real thing
Collect over 188 custom balls hidden throughout
Solve treasure hunts on each hard course to earn special putters
Supports cross-buy, cross-play, and 90hz on Quest 2
Teleport and Smooth locomotion supported, as well as the ability to fly
Now supports Oculus groups, invites and friend lists
Additional courses "Gardens of Babylon" and "Shangri-La" available for purchase
New avatars featuring lip sync, a quadrillion+ combinations
Supports English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean and Chinese
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